Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I still don't know if I have to have surgery. Last week was heck. A good friend of mine died in Guatemala. And I'm still sick. I'm always sick. :( On Thursday, my best friend has deigned to speak to me again. We'll see if I end up wanting him back in my life. I don't take kindly to betrayal. I just want to rewind everything back to June and start over.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The past month has kind of been heck for me. Between big fights with my best friend and multiple trips to multiple doctors, I am in desperate need of a vacation from my life. I'd just be happy if I could feel well enough to go back to work. By the way, I love my job. I adore working in a bookstore. It's great. Anyway, I might have to get my gall bladder removed, or just only eat fruits and veggies for the rest of my life. I'm not sure which I would prefer...oh wait, yes, I do. I'd rather go through surgery and be able to eat almost anything I want than eating fruits and veggies alone. BLAH