Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Almost Halloween!

I have been crocheting a lot lately since I want to finish John's scarf ASAP. I'm getting close...ish. LOL Mum says she might buy me my own Doctor Who scarf since she is reluctant to make me one (it's at least 12ft long, so yeah). If she does, it should be here by Halloween. YAY! Snuffles is doing well. He like to nibble on fingers and sneak attack feet. His claws are really sharp although I try to keep them trimmed so I'm covered in scratches, especially my back which he loves to climb at night when I'm crocheting. My best friend and I are getting along unreservedly again, which makes life so very nice for me. Work is going well, although I have issues with some of the people I occasionally work with/for. I put some of the weight I had lost over the summer in the past couple weeks, but that's natural. And it wasn't much so far. Hopefully I will be able to keep it at bay. Potato.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Work is going well. Snuffles is much better. He loves poptarts. He doesn't like chocolate. DOOOWEEEOOOOOOO DOODOODOO!!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

My Poor Baby

Snuffles fell off the living room table tonight and was obviously in a ton of pain, so Mum and I took him to the emergency animal hospital place in Bozeman. He has a mild concussion and both back legs are fractured. My poor baby. I've never seen him so still. It was terrifying. The vet thinks he'll be fine if we keep a close watch and keep him calm and quiet for a couple weeks because he is so young. If he doesn't seem to be much better by Tuesday or Wednesday, we are supposed to take him to our normal vet. And to think I just took him to the vet yesterday and got a clean bill of health.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

October is Better

So, October seems to be looking up. So far it's been better than most of the summer was. I'm back at work. I've got a cat, which I've always wanted. He's about 2 months old and Shane named him Snuffleupagus, or Snuffles for short. He's pretty rambunctious. I adore him. I'm working on my relationships. Limiting my time with certain people has helped a lot. I watch a lot of tv and read a lot of books, which is easy since I work in a book store. :P So, things are starting to look up.

Monday, October 7, 2013